17 augustus 2022
17 augustus 2022
Technische fundamentals van vinyasa yoga. Tijdens deze workshop zullen we kijken naar de basis houdingen van vinyasa yoga. Door middel van oefeningen uit verschillende disciplines zoals yoga, ballet, pilates en krachttraining zullen we meer bewustzijn creëren van het lichaam in.
17 augustus 2022
My name is Valeriya. I am a crystal sound healer and during my sessions with crystal singing bowls, which are singing on 432 hz, people can reconnect with their higher source, cleaning their chakras as well as get spiritual awakenings, sensations and insights. The true knowledge lies in the silence […]
17 augustus 2022
Technische fundamentals van vinyasa yoga. Tijdens deze workshop zullen we kijken naar de basis houdingen van vinyasa yoga. Door middel van oefeningen uit verschillende disciplines zoals yoga, ballet, pilates en krachttraining zullen we meer bewustzijn creëren van het lichaam in.
17 augustus 2022
16 augustus 2022
Sir = Head and Asana = Posture. In other words; headstand. In this workshop we’ll get our feet up in the clouds and a rush of blood through the spine in to our heads. All levels welcome.
16 augustus 2022
Pranyama is the practice of breath regulation; in Sanskrit, “prana” means life energy and “yama” means control or ‘reining in’. Most people are familiar with the term pranayama as it is often used in yoga along with other practices like physical postures (asanas) and meditation (dhyana). Together, these practices are […]
16 augustus 2022
Ashtanga yoga is a sequence of advanced yoga postures, performed in a specific order, that emphasize the flow and breath between movements. The Ashtanga classes begin and end with the class chanting Sanskrit mantras.
16 augustus 2022
Corina is kindermasseuse en uitgeefster van de Happy Kids Massage methodiek. Dit is een vorm van kindermassage die over de kleding heen gegeven kan worden.